The first solidarity tournament for juveniles of the UE Sants, underway


On at 10:08


It is an initiative of the UE Sants and the students of the 4th year of the Grau Universitari de Ciències or Tecnologies Aplicades a l’Esport i al Fitness (CTEF)

The appointment is on Saturday, February 18 in the field of La Bàscula and the objective is to promote football at school age

This Saturday (February 18) The first edition of the juvenile category solidarity tournament organized by the UE Sants starts. Nine historical teams from Barcelona will take part and The matches will be played at the La Bàscula field from 10:00 to 14:30.

The tournament was born from a initiative between the UE Sants and the Universitat Euncet (a center attached to the UPC), specifically the Grau Universitari de Ciències i Tecnologies Aplicades a l’Esport i al Fitness (CTEF). From there, the 4th year students of the subject “Organització d’Esdeveniments Esportius”, led by the Dr. Jordi Falguerashas designed, organized and executed a competition with the aim of being participatory, sustainable, supportive and pleasant for the players, players, technical teams, refereeing collective and public.

The goal of the tournament is promote soccer at school age and give junior category players the opportunity to enjoy this sport. From UE Sants there is the conviction that the tournament is here to stay and become an international benchmark.

Data and participating teams

The tournament will be held on Saturday, February 18, 2023 (from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.) at the La Bàscula field (carrer del Foc 132 in Barcelona) and the nine participating teams (UE Sants, Mercat Nou, UE Sant Andreu, FC Martinenc, CD Júpiter, CE Hospitalet, AE Prat, CE Europa and FC Badalona) will play the same number of matches (4). Their duration will be 25 minutes.

Being a solidarity tournament, the objective is to collaborate with the Banc d’Aliments de Barcelona and hence the entry to the field of play by the players’ companions will be possible with the contribution of any packaged food.
