Residence of third-country nationals in reception for refugees from Ukraine continues for 6 months | News item

News item | 10-02-2023 | 14:14

Third-country nationals can stay in the reception for refugees from Ukraine until 4 September 2023 in order to relieve the high pressure on asylum reception. State Secretary for Justice and Security, Eric van der Burg, has decided to do so after consultation with the VNG and the Security Council. This concerns approximately 4,660 third-country nationals who have fled from Ukraine, but actually come from other countries. For example, they studied or worked in Ukraine. During this period, the IND will simultaneously start processing their asylum applications.

The temporary protection for third country nationals will continue for another 6 months. These are third-country nationals with a temporary residence permit in Ukraine, who were registered in the Netherlands in the Personal Records Database (BRP) before 19 July 2022.

Instead of until March 4, 2023, they can now stay in municipal or private shelters for people from Ukraine until September 4, 2023. They also retain the right to medical care, living allowance, education up to the age of 18 and the opportunity to work.

In the coming period, the IND will start processing asylum cases, starting with the approximately 1,200 applications from third-country nationals who come from safe countries of origin. 100 promising asylum cases from Yemen and Syria are also given priority. This mainly concerns people who, for example, were still in the asylum procedure when Russia invaded Ukraine. The IND will then process the other applications from this group (approximately 3,300). They are not given priority over other asylum seekers who have been waiting for a decision for a long time.

If an asylum application is rejected, there is the possibility to appeal. After asylum status has been granted, a suitable home is sought for people. In this way, the pressure on the asylum reception is limited as much as possible.

After September 4, the protection under the temporary directive will expire. If the asylum application is still being processed at that time, the applicant is entitled to regular asylum reception.
