Diabetes: the right diet and exercises that help you feel better

C.‘it is a disease that affects millions of people in Italy, without many even knowing it. I speak of diabetes and in particular of type 2 diabetes, by far the most widespread, tied hand in glove with theadvancing in age and with lifestyle.

Certain, predisposition and genetics matter a lot, but the prevention it is essential to mitigate the impact of a chronic disease that in in the last 40 years it has more than doubled its prevalence in Italy, weighing on the lives of individuals, families and the health system.

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Diabetes and its health consequences

Diabetes should not be underestimated, it can lead to far more serious consequences than not being able to eat sweets, including cardiovascular diseases, kidney, retinopathies and neuropathies, complications in pregnancy. The risk of infectious diseases increases (undergo the recommended vaccinations!).

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Most affected men and women in menopause

Males are most affected, but it is estimated that out of a hundred women in menopause at least 12 are diabetic.

Fruits, vegetables and legumes help a lot

How to protect yourself? Speaking with your doctor, taking great care of the diet with fruits, vegetables, legumes, foods produced with whole-grain flours. By checking the body weight.

Physical activity at the forefront of diabetes

Keeping active despite the complications that the pandemic has brought to everyone’s lives. Move at least 150 minutes per week, get up from your chair at least every hour if you do a sedentary job, this is it the first diabetes medicine.



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