Podemos and the partners give in to the PSOE and save the animal law that excludes hunting

The choice of the lesser evil has prevailed. United We Can, CKD, EH Bilduand other minority parties have yielded to the PSOE and will end up approving the animal welfare law, which excludes hunting dogs, and the reform of the Penal Code that changes jail sentences for minor crimes for financial fines. In the midst of a crisis in the Government due to the reform of the ‘only yes is yes’ law, the Executive circumvents a new break with the ‘yes’ to the norm, achieved at the last moment and with great difficulty, and avoids a defeat in the Congress.

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Until the last minute, with the deputies parading through the gallery of the Lower House, the rule on the wire has been maintained. Beyond veiled messages and criticism of the legislative text, in the end, the majority of the investiture bloc, in devilish parliamentary arithmetic, will save the two norms this Thursday and will allow the process to continue in the Senate. It is at this point where some formations have shielded themselves to give their ‘yes’, in the new opportunity offered by the Upper House to try again to modify the law.

However, all these formations have harshly criticized the step taken by the PSOE by including, with the support of the PP, an amendment that excludes hunting dogs from the protection offered by the standard. Neither the threats to overthrow the law, nor the last-minute attempts to reverse this change have made the Socialists change their position.
