“I have a large, aggressive cancerous tumor in my stomach”

Laula Kisu Jernström has been diagnosed with cancer, reports Ilta-Sanomat.

Kisu Jernström has contracted cancer. The picture shows the singer in summer 2021. Heli Juvakka

Vocalist Kristian “Kitty” Jernström, 71, has stomach cancer. The last time Jernström had a cancerous tumor removed from his pharynx was in 2020. At that time, the future looked bright. Now things are different.

– I have a large, aggressive cancerous tumor in my stomach, the musician says in an interview with Ilta-Sanomi.

– I thought I wouldn’t get cancer again, when I already had it once, Jernström continues to the magazine.

The singer clarifies that it is not a recurrence of the previous cancer, but a new cancer. Jernström ended up seeing a doctor in January when his health deteriorated.

In the tests, the singer was diagnosed with sarcoma, which is a rare type of cancer of the supporting tissue, which is scheduled to be operated on as early as this week. According to the doctors, the operation is particularly demanding.

– The information came as a shock, even though I have already been through cancer once, he tells the magazine.

In the summer of 2021, Jernström had just recovered from pharyngeal cancer. Heli Juvakka

Source: Evening News
