Ilja Gort put through the wringer on television: “Such an annoying man”

Ilja Gort gets a wagon load of shit dumped on her by the men from Media Inside. They find the television star and winegrower incredibly annoying. “I find him such an irritating man.”


For years he has been making programs about wine for the public broadcaster: Ilja Gort. The fame that this brings him does not harm him: the winegrower tries to sell his wines everywhere. It’s really starting to get a bit too much, the men of the NPO 3 program think Media Inside.

Annoying man

Gijs Groenteman is a bit done with this Ilja, he says last night in the season opener of the talk show. “Ilja Gort was once an advertising executive and if only he had remained that way, but at some point he bought a wine farm and since then he has actually started an endless advertising campaign for himself.”

He continues: “It’s just about Ilja Gort and his wines all the time. I find him such an irritating man.”

‘All the time that goatee’

Colleague Marcel van Roosmalen can agree with that. “I find it very strange to watch. Drinking that wine all the time, with that goatee.”

Table guest Rutger Castricum: “You still get stuck with it. I happened to be looking at it this week and I kept looking for quite a long time. I’ve seen all this, including with those sticks and stuff. I don’t think: I zap away.”

Marcel: “I always thought: who is the target group?! But there it is.”

Rutger: “Hahaha.”

“Cancel him!”

Gijs then starts some images of the way Gijs deals with women, namely somewhat physically. Rutger: “I also noticed this. Then you know: now the camera turns on, am I going to hang around someone? And why then?”

Gijs: “Nothing will stop him.”

Table guest Nadia Moussaid jokingly: “That is not possible at all these days. Must be canceled then!”
