Crosiers are looking for monastic jokes (to refurbish an old wall)

The Monastery of Saint Agatha wants nothing more than to refurbish their ancient monastery wall. There is a crowdfund campaign for this. 90 percent of the money is already in. So that’s going well. But in the meantime the monastery jokes have become twice as expensive. And so the monastery asks: “Who still has a batch of stones?”

The monastery of Sint Agatha near Cuijk has been inhabited by the Crosiers since 1371. This makes it the oldest inhabited monastery in the Netherlands. The wall from the sixteenth century around the monastery is in need of a major makeover. More than 90,000 bricks in 390 meters of wall need to be restored. And that costs tons.

A total of 570,000 euros is needed. The province provides the bulk. The monastery itself must gather 170,000 euros. A crowdfunding campaign has been running for a while for this. “We have almost all the money,” says spokesman for the monastery Carli van den Berg. “But donations are still welcome.”

Now that the money is almost in, there is another problem. Huge amounts of monastic jokes are needed to fix up the wall. These are stones that are much larger than normal bricks. “But in the meantime, the monastery jokes have become twice as expensive,” says Van den Berg. And so the monastery is looking hard for people who still have some monastery jokes lying around. “Or people know a batch of stones for sale?”

“For example, someone from Sint Anthonis called. He still had three square meters of monastery jokes in his backyard. Volunteers picked up the stones,” says the spokesperson. But much more bricks are needed to fix up the wall.

So if anyone has any monastery jokes lying around or knows how to find them for a nice price. Then call the monastery in Sint Agatha on 0485 311 007 or send an email to [email protected].
