In this way, you still secure the energy price flat rate of 300 euros

Didn't receive the flat-rate energy price?  Those entitled to receive the money are subsequently paid out via the tax return

Didn’t receive the flat-rate energy price? Those entitled to receive the money are subsequently paid out via the tax return Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn

From BZ/dpa

Anyone who has not received the energy price lump sum from their employer in the past year should take action now. Because when you submit a tax return, you get the money afterwards.

For all employees in tax brackets one to five, the energy price flat rate of 300 euros should already be available last year.

However, not every employee received the lump sum as intended with their salary from their employer. Those affected should get the money through the tax return, advises the income tax assistance association United Income Tax Assistance (VLH).

Because anyone who submits their tax return to the tax office will automatically receive the lump sum, according to the wage tax assistance association. This does not require any additional information or specification in the declaration.

For mini-jobbers, just a few details are enough

The VLH estimates that short-term or marginally employed people in particular have to get the flat-rate energy price this way.

Mini-jobbers without any other income would only have to fill out the cover form and the two lines 13 and 14 of the “Other” appendix.

But be careful: the one-off payment is subject to income tax. Due to taxation, employees do not receive the full 300 euros.


Workers Energy Costs Mini-Job Guides: Work, Law and Finance Tax Tax Return Taxes
