Tips on buying and using robotic lawnmowers

From BZ/dpa

Convenient for garden owners: once the robotic lawnmower has been properly installed, you can theoretically just let it run. What users should consider in practice. And who was ahead in the test.

They trim the lawn quietly and diligently, while garden owners can use the time they have gained for other things. “Many robotic lawnmowers work well and can also cope wonderfully with bumps in the garden,” says Peter Baruschke from the magazine “Self is the man”.

This is also shown by a test that the magazine (March 2023 issue) carried out together with TÜV Rheinland.

The majority of the devices received the grade “good”

“Overall, we were very satisfied with the performance of the devices,” says Baruscke.

Of the twelve robotic lawnmowers tested, seven received the grade “good”. One device received the grade “very good” – the test winner was Husqvarba (305).

“Two robotic lawnmowers had difficulties with bumps in the terrain”. Therefore, they only received the grade “satisfactory”. And two manufacturers were not able to convince in the safety test – they were given the grade “poor”.

The devices tested are suitable for a lawn area of ​​around 400 square meters. The cheapest robot lawn mower in the test was around 550 euros. The most expensive device for around 1380 euros was the test winner.

“But there was also a manufacturer in the test that cost almost half as much and performed well,” says Baruschke.

The price-performance winner in the test costs around 700 euros and is called Worx (Landroid M 500Plus).

What you should pay attention to when buying

“Anyone who wants to buy a robotic lawnmower should first determine the size of the lawn and choose a suitable device. Manufacturers often have several device sizes on offer,” says Baruschke.

The question is also important: Are there slopes or a lot of bumps in the garden?

“The capabilities of the robotic lawnmower should match the nature of the terrain. Some devices are then better suited than others,” says Baruschke. Individual models can also mow slopes differently.

Users should also consider how they want to control the devices – manually or via app.

Some models only have basic functions on the device. “You can control many robotic lawnmowers via Bluetooth with your cell phone – and enter operating times, cutting heights and starting points. Some devices can also be controlled via WLAN or the mobile phone network. Then the only question is whether the WLAN or the network coverage is sufficient for the entire garden,” says Baruschke.

In theory, you can let a robotic lawnmower run when you’re not at home. “If a device gets stuck because of an obstacle, it usually switches itself off after a while,” explains Baruschke. The restart is then usually necessary manually. Even rest periods are not an issue, because compared to petrol-powered devices, the battery-powered devices are very quiet.

Robot lawn mowers are criticized for injuring small hedgehogs and even children’s feet. “In the standard test, which simulates a situation with a kneeling child, ten devices were convincing. They switched themselves off in time.” The dummy remained unharmed.

Nevertheless: Pets and children should not be in the area during operation.

In order to protect wild animals as well, it is best to only let the robotic lawnmower run during the day,” recommends Baruschke in consultation with the German Nature Conservation Union. Because during the day little hedgehogs, which some robotic lawn mowers can injure according to the test, are usually not out and about.
