Janke Dekker from Beilen in De Slimste Mens: ‘The seven sisters? Isn’t that a café in Groningen?’

Janke Dekker from Beilen was the challenger in De Slimste Mens on Thursday evening, but did not do too well.

The actress, presenter, theater producer and chairman of the board of MORES.online – a platform to combat undesirable behavior in the performing arts, television and film sector – explains at the start of the broadcast that she will be sixty next year and that it that’s why it’s time to ‘shit everything’. She will soon bring Barbara Streisand’s repertoire to the theaters, something she didn’t dare to do before.

The seven sisters?

Dekker starts well on De Slimste Mens, but soon loses many seconds to opponents Erik van Looy, presenter of the Flemish version of De Slimste Mens (with a bandage over his eye because his retina is torn), and journalist Haroon Ali. She knows about the tango and hydrogen peroxide, the theme of the Children’s Book Week and what is even stronger than espresso (ristretto). But she thinks Eminem lives in New York and about the famous book series The Seven Sisters she asks: ,,The seven sisters? Isn’t that a café in Groningen?”

Doubt of orientation

Van Looy suddenly reveals that he thinks Dekker’s husband Tom Egberts is the most beautiful man in the world and that the first time he saw Egberts on TV made him doubt his sexual orientation. Dekker laughs, puts on her glasses for the puzzle, the photo round and the map of South America on which she has to point out main places, but it doesn’t help: she doesn’t give many good answers.

Reaching the final, Dekker is 118 seconds far behind Van Looy (182) and Ali (214).

Anything can happen in the decisive round, Philip Freriks encourages. “Maybe Erik will let you win, he is in the final week anyway.”

Van Looy says he has thought about this. But: “Whatever happens, you can go to Tom Egbers later and I am single and only have one eye.”

And so he beats her. Dekker can only name one thing about Moby Dick (that he is a whale). She knows three of the five facts about Norway, but she loses all her seconds with the last question about Rock Hudson.

Next week Anniek Pheifer

The final week of De Slimste Mens starts on Monday with actress Anniek Pheifer, originally from Assen, on Thursday.
