The province agrees to a quick scan ice rink

There will be a study into the possibilities and location for an indoor ice rink in Drenthe. The Provincial Council has decided to do so this afternoon. A proposal from the VVD, supported by Sterk Lokaal Drenthe, CDA, SP, JA21 and PVV, passed with a large majority. D66 also agreed to a so-called quick scan.

An earlier version of the motion called for a feasibility study to be carried out, but that has been changed to a quick scan.

There is no ice rink in Drenthe since 2016. In that year, the ice rink of De Bonte Wever closed its doors. After that, there was a long discussion about a possible ice rink in Hoogeveen or Assen, but that came to nothing. At the end of last year, the KNSB and an entrepreneur from Rotterdam came up with a new plan for an ice rink in Drenthe.

In total, according to the entrepreneur, this involves an investment of five to six million euros. He himself wants to invest two million euros. This leaves four million euros that the province has to pay. The Members of Parliament will take a look in Rotterdam, where there is already such an ice rink.
