Stupid drunk driver gets back into his car despite a driving ban

A 63-year-old drunk driver from Den Bosch made it very colorful on Tuesday. After being taken off the A2 motorway near Vught by officers at the end of the afternoon, hours later, after being heard at the police station, he ‘just’ got back into his car to drive home. This while his driver’s license had been confiscated and he had been banned from driving.

The police immediately intervened at that moment, according to the story she shares on Facebook.

Several drivers noticed the driving behavior of the drunk man on the A2 motorway. Not surprising, because he drove there at a speed of well below fifty kilometers per hour. Alerted officers eventually caught sight of the driver on the A2 near Vught. Getting him to stop took a lot of effort.

Giving a follow sign to stop him on the hard shoulder was not enough. As a result, officers felt compelled to force the driver to stop in the middle of the busy highway. There they managed to get the man out of his car.

Six times too much to drink
Both the driver and his car were then taken to the station. It turned out that the inhabitant of Den Bosch had been behind the wheel with six times the permitted amount of alcohol. Reason for an official report, the collection of his driver’s license and the imposition of a driving ban.

According to the police, the man did not simply resign himself to the latter. He insisted on wanting to drive home. While agents had explained to him at least ten times what the consequences would be. After all, he would not only be punishable for driving under the influence of alcohol, but also for driving without a valid driver’s license and driving during a driving ban. Offenses for which the judiciary demands prison sentences.

Moreover, if he were to get into his car and drive home, his car would be confiscated.

heard and gone…
Despite the many warnings, in the evening, after being heard and allowed to leave the station, the man immediately walked to his car with the intention of getting in and driving away. Officers again warned him not to do this.

And although, according to the police, he indicated that he had understood the warning, he nevertheless got into his car and then drove away. Officers had already counted on this and drove him immediately. So he didn’t get very far.

Subsequently, arresting the motorist did not succeed without a struggle. For example, he refused to get out of his car. In the end it turned out that the alcohol had not yet left his blood. Although the blood alcohol level was slightly lower than a few hours earlier.

In court soon
On Wednesday morning he can explain his choices again during an interrogation. The inhabitant of Bossche will also have to account for his behavior in court soon.
