These apps are indispensable for book readers (and listeners) | Tech

Do you read one book after the other or do you like to put on an audio book on the go? Whether you prefer to read an e-book or paper book, or rather listen: these apps are indispensable for book readers and listeners.

Unlimited reading and listening

For anyone who devours several books a month, apps for unlimited reading and/or listening are a godsend. Book subscription services have sprung up like mushrooms in recent years.

Well-known examples are Kobo Plus, Storytel and Nextory. The range of these services differs somewhat from each other. Before you take out a subscription, first check whether the (audio) books you are interested in are available (or use a trial subscription).

No time to read a whole book?

Blinkist is an English-language app that informs you about the contents of a book in about fifteen minutes. No time (or inclination) to read hundreds of pages? The app gives you a short summary, both in text and audio, which helps you understand the essence of a book, without going through all the pages.

The range is not huge, but you will find a handy concise explanation of the most famous (English) books. There are several themes, including parenting, health, productivity, entrepreneurship and investing.

Blinkist costs 6.67 euros per month and is available for Android and iOS.

Talk about your favorite books

Once you’ve finished reading a book, you may want to chat with others who have also read it. This can be done via Hebban, for example. You will find a large community of book fans on the site and app. There are, among other things, book clubs, reviews and discussion threads.

The Reading Challenge encourages you to achieve your reading goal for that year. It doesn’t matter if you want to read one book every month or even one book a week.

You can download Hebban for free in the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Keep track of the books you read

With different apps you can keep track of which books you have started and which you have finished. This is not only convenient, but also has a stimulating effect. You can track your read books with apps such as Hebban, Goodreads and Bookly. The last two in the list are in English. Via Hebban and Goodreads you can also follow which books your friends have already finished, so that you can easily exchange experiences.

Goodreads is available for Android and iOS.

Bookly also allows you to create a reading plan. You indicate how many books you want to read per year and the app keeps track of how long it takes you to read a reading session. You can also receive reminders, so you don’t forget to read a chapter at set times. This makes achieving your reading goals even easier.

Bookly costs 4.99 euros per month and is available at Android and iOS.

Swap (or sell) books

At BKSY it is possible to lend books via the platform or even offer them for sale. Of course you can also borrow books from users who live nearby. This way you can easily get in touch with other avid book readers. In the meantime, you can easily keep track of which books you have in the cupboard.

BKSY is free to download for iOS and Android.

Discover new talent or be discovered yourself

On Wattpad you will find books and stories by amateur writers. A great opportunity to discover new talent or to share your own stories with a wider audience. While reading, you can let us know what you think of a passage by leaving an emoji or comment. It’s a convenient way to give and receive feedback on a story. In addition, various writing competitions are organized.

Wattpad is available for free for Android and iOS. A premium subscription (including no ads and access to offline stories) costs 5.99 euros per month.

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