In Russia, the incidence of covid among infants and pensioners is growing

Max Height incidence of coronavirus over the past week observed among children under the age of 1 year and people over 65 years old, said the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova.

The overall incidence in Russia is growing, but the rate of infection is still declining, the head of the department added at a meeting of the presidium of the coordinating council under the government of the Russian Federation to combat coronavirus.

Broadcast of the meeting published on the media platform “Looking”.

However, the increase in the incidence is associated not only with the spread of COVID-19, but also with seasonal infections, Popova added.

The head of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Murashko, in turn, said that the number of hospitalized children increased by 28% over the week. Today, 12,000 minors are in hospital beds, the minister specified.

In addition, children aged 12 to 17 are being vaccinated. 41,000 young Russians have already been vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Recall that more than 165 thousand new infections with coronavirus were recorded in the country over the past day. At the same time, 698 people died from COVID-19.


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