Ski jumping: “Snow hell” feared – classic before cancellation?

The national championship in Norwegian ski jumping is imminent. However, the classic is on the brink because of the forecast weather conditions.

Whether alpine skiing, biathlon or ski jumping: this winter, the acute lack of snow is making it difficult for numerous sports. In Norway, on the other hand, there is concern that it could snow too much.

According to the newspaper “Østrlendingen”, the organizers of the national championship in ski jumping fear a “snow hell”. The event is scheduled to take place next weekend. However, there is still a lot of work to be done before the planned event.

“We’ll come to an arrangement and we’ll do everything we can to make it happen,” Hans Petter Wahl, boss of Rena IL, assured Dagbladet.

“The last time we organized it it rained and it was hell, but we mostly made it,” the organizer continued. “There is a separate committee that decides whether the competition goes as planned takes place or not. We have taken it upon ourselves as technical organizers and are doing everything we can to make things happen.”

Championships in ski jumping on the brink

The snow had to be “trodden down with a pedal machine,” Wahl explained. For this you need the right equipment. A rise in temperatures over the weekend would also pose a risk of mud. That would be an “incredibly big problem,” Wahl said.

“If the worst forecasts come true, it will be hell. It’s not the kind of snow we want,” competition director Knut Magnussen told Østlendingen newspaper.

It is anything but clear whether the national championships in ski jumping at the weekend can be held as planned.
