Big Brother VIP. previews January 9, 2023

continues to argue the dynamics inside the most talked about house in Italy. Today, Monday 9 January, it will be broadcast in prime time on Canale 5 the twenty-seventh live episode of Big Brother VIP (very popular programme, with an average share of 21%). And here’s what could happen…

The return to the studio of the columnist Sonia Bruganelli

During the holidays, the competitors of the Canale 5 reality show did not stop keeping the public company. now, however, it restarts at full speed. Also because in this episode columnist Sonia Bruganelli will return to the studio.

The producer, wife of Paolo Bonolis, has been missing on the small screen for almost two weeks and had been temporarily replaced by Sun rises – which, perhaps, did not achieve the disruptive effect that many would have expected – e Pier Paolo Pretelli. Sonia Bruganelli, therefore, will return to comment on the events of the competitors of the House (such as the friendship between Edoardo and Alberto, at the center of these last few days), alongside the other commentator Orietta Berti and of the conductor Alfonso Signorini.

There will be no eliminations

Sonia Bruganelli, on 21 October 2022 on the red carpet of the film “Now It’s Our Turn – The Story of Pio La Torre”, at the Rome Film Festival, at the Auditorium Parco della Musica. Credit: Daniele Venturelli/WireImage

In tonight’s episode, there should be no eliminations. However Dan (absolute protagonist of the dynamics of the House), Davide and Oriana Marzoli are currently in televoting. In fact, the audience from home will decide the “favourite” (or “favourite”) of the week. What benefits will it enjoy?

Primarily immunity for elimination which, however, will arrive in the episode of 16 January. In addition to that, the audience’s favorite (or favorite) will also have the power to decide who, among the other two VIPs vying for the title, will go directly to the nomination.

After the hospitalization, the return of Antonino Spinalbese to the house of the Big Brother VIP

Last December 10, the hair stylist Antonino Spinalbese had revealed to his fellow adventurers that he was suffering from a cyst. Thus, Big Brother had decided to give him a break from the program, so that he could heal himself.

Apparently, Belen Rodriguez’s ex would have already faced a small surgery in the hospital. And, after a few days in the facility for some medical tests, now he may be ready to re-enter the House. Will it already happen in tonight’s episode or will we see him walk through the famous red door in the coming weeks? Maybe…

This return would certainly allow the conductor Signorini and the production to breathe a sigh of relief also because in recent days we have witnessed some abandonments that have caused discussion. From that of Luca Salatino, who wanted to leave the program due to a great nostalgia for “real” life outside the House. Up to that of Patricia Rossetti, who had suffered severe pain on 2 January. And, with them, the willingness to abandon the program, so that you can take care of yourself in the best possible way.

