Activists block A100 in Berlin again on Tuesday

Not a day without a road blockade in Berlin! Activists from the “Save Food – Save Lives” campaign blocked the A100 again on Tuesday.

In the morning they stood and sat again on the A100. According to the traffic information center, the motorway is closed in the direction of Wedding near Tempelhofer Damm.

The activists have positioned themselves with banners on the motorway exit. Motorists have to reckon with a lot of traffic jams during rush hour.

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That’s what the food activists want

The activists describe themselves as the “rebellion of the last generation”. Among other things, they are demanding an Essen-Retten-Gesetz against food waste in the food sector from the federal government. “The first step is to act where it is quickest: wholesalers should stop throwing away food,” demands Clara Hinrichs, spokeswoman for the “Last Generation”.

In plain language: Supermarkets should be obliged to donate food that is still edible. According to the activists, this should contribute to the agricultural turnaround, against world hunger and against CO2 emissions in food production. They point out that 1.6 million people in Germany are dependent on the food banks, but at the same time 30 percent of all food was thrown away.


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