This question drives Ozzy Osbourne insane





Ozzy Osbourne can’t hear the question “What do bats taste like?” anymore. “It’s… – the hell,” he said in an interview, frustrated by his most hated question.

The musician bit off the head of a live bat during a concert in 1982. The incident is not a nice memory for him, but he went down in music history with it. “It’s not how I want to be remembered, but I know I will be the man who bit the head off the bat,” he said in 2020. “That will be on my grave. It won’t be ‘Here Lies Ozzy Osbourne’, it will be ‘The Bat-Biting Madman’.”

In the current interview with Billboard, he also spoke about working on his new album “Patient Number 9”, which was released in September. He has processed the last difficult years for him on the record and put a lot of emotions into the songs




