Pelé to Maradona, the message: “We will play in Paradise”

After Diego’s disappearance, O Rei dedicated a thought to him on Instagram: “Magician, genius and legend, but for me a great friend with a big heart. I love you”

“My great friend, thank you for this trip. One day in heaven we will play for the same team. And it will be the first time on the pitch that I have raised my fist to the sky without celebrating a goal. I will do it because I finally have embraced you again.” So just two years ago Pelé, who passed away today, paid his last tribute on social media to Diego Armando Maradona.

The best

The Pibe de Oro is in fact the other great star of world football, the protagonist of a long-standing dualism with O Rei (also exaggerated by the South American “derby” between Brazil and Argentina) who however has always refused the challenge, esteeming Maradona and, in some way, loving him as evidenced by the long post on Instagram accompanied by a photo of the two champions embracing. “Today marks seven days since you left – wrote Pelé – Many have tried to make a comparison between our lives. You were a genius who enchanted the world. A magician with the ball at his feet. A real legend. But more than that, to me, you will always be a great friend, with an even bigger heart. Today, I’m sure the world would definitely be a better place if we stopped making comparisons and started admiring each other more. For that reason I mean you are incomparable”. And again: “Your trajectory has been marked by honesty. And in your unique and particular style, you have taught us to love and to say ‘I love you’ more often. Your quick departure did not allow me to tell you, so I will write: I love you Diego”.
