Restaurants against hunger, where eating means solidarity

center in a large restaurant, even starredor in one pizzeria or sandwich shop, and help fight poverty and food insecurity, in Italy and around the world, simply by ordering. It is possible, thanks to the initiative Restaurants Against Hungerthe largest national mobilization that combines good food and solidarity. There are 132 participating establishments. Including a highly prestigious new entry: theAlpINN Restaurant in Brunicothe result of the collaboration between chef Fabio Curreli and starred chef Norbert Niederkofler.

Restaurants against hunger, until December 31st

Until 31 December, in participating restaurants and pizzerias or sandwich shops customers can donate two euros by choosing the “solidarity dish” from the menu, 50 cents for the “solidarity pizza” and the same for each bottle of water ordered. And there are already four “super solidarity” restaurants, i.e. those that have already exceeded their fundraising goal, according to a special ranking. I am The greenhouse of the Hotel Le Agavi in ​​Positano (gold), Green Lantern of Villa di Chiavenna and The Pelican of Porto Ercole (silver) e Gourmet Artifex of Brenner (bronze). The funds raised will be used to buy food and therapeutic foods for malnourished children in the southern hemisphere but also to support the most vulnerable families in our country: Action Against Hunger is moving on both these fronts, organizing the initiative.

One out of 4 Italian families is at risk of poverty

The initiative against poverty and food insecurity, in Italy and in the world, has reached its eighth edition. But this year it takes on an even more important value, given the global food crisis we are experiencing. Between the pandemic, the worsening of socio-economic inequalities, the climate crisis and conflicts, such as the one in Ukraine which has contributed to an escalation in the prices of raw materials on international markets.

Today therehe global food crisis represents the great emergency of our time. There are 828 million people in conditions of food insecurity in the world, almost 1 out of 10 poor people in Italy1 out of 4 those at risk of poverty.

The best restaurants in the world have been awarded, here are the 4 Italians in the top 50

The super solidarity dinners, until March 2023

But this year there is something new: solidarity also continues after 31 December, thanks to the “Super Solidarity Dinners”special fundraising occasions that restaurants will be able to organize, until March 2023, with ambitious fundraising goals, to help Action Against Hunger (international humanitarian organization specialist against hunger and child malnutrition) to expand his project “No more hunger: from emergency to autonomy”, from Milan to other cities in Southern Italy.

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No more hunger, the project born in Milan

The project, launched in Milan in January 2022, it helped over 50 families in conditions of vulnerability and food insecurity to rebuild their autonomy through a path based on: 1) immediate support for spending; 2) nutrition education; 3) accompaniment in the search for employment. The results of the No More Hunger project, presented in a recent Report, are very encouraging and in 2023 the intervention will be expanded to reach a greater number of beneficiaries.

