Darts World Cup 2023 | Martin Schindler exclusively: “Each of us can do it”

On Thursday the 30th PDC World Darts Championship will start in London’s Alexandra Palace. The German hopes for a successful performance at the season highlight rest in particular on Martin Schindler.

Although the 26-year-old only intervened in the second round of the tournament, in an exclusive sport.de interview the number 29 in the world rankings is already talking about his personal goals at the world championship, the crash of Max Hopp and his title favorites. In addition, Schindler reveals what the German players are currently lacking in order to establish themselves among the absolute best in the world.

Mr. Schindler, you have never won a game at a darts world championship. What makes you positive that things are going better this year? What personal goal have you set for the 2023 World Cup?

Martin Schindler: I really want to win that first game at a World Cup. In the next round I’ll play Michael Smith and then we’ll see what can happen. But first I want to take that first step towards the first win. Then I go step by step.

A German starter has never made it past the round of 16 at the World Cup. What are the chances that you, Gabriel Clemens or Florian Hempel will reach the quarter-finals this year?

The field of participants is extremely strong and extremely dangerous. The draws aren’t easy and of course they don’t get any easier from year to year. The momentum has to be right, the performance has to be right and I think that each of us could theoretically make it to the quarter-finals, but several factors have to be right. Lots of cogs have to mesh.

Gabriel Clemens is currently struggling to find his form as they worked their way into the top 32 of the Order of Merit in 2022 with strong performances. Even if you are currently still behind Clemens: are you currently the best German player?

I wouldn’t put it that way at all. The topic of the best German player is a topic in itself anyway. We play in the world rankings and not in a German ranking. It’s always easy to pronounce, of course, but it wouldn’t change anything in terms of whether you’re number one or number two in Germany. It depends a lot more on where you are in the world rankings.

It’s my first time in the top 32 and I wouldn’t say Gabriel Clemens is looking for his form. Maybe this year there weren’t the big leaps in growth like they were before. He has qualified for the World Matchplay and for the Grand Prix of Darts. Just to qualify for these tournaments, you have to work really hard and play really good darts. He did.

Alexandra Palace in London is legendary. What makes the games at Ally Pally so special?

It’s really hard to put into words because you just have to experience it yourself. It’s just such an amazing atmosphere. The background noise between the spectators, the caller and the players is the same in this hall. Maybe just because everyone knows that the World Cup is on again. It’s London again, it’s “Ally Pally” again, you just have to experience it yourself.

Max Hopp was the German number one for a long time. Now he could not qualify for the World Cup again and even loses his tour card. Do you think he can make a comeback like you did yourself?

Yes of course. It would be arrogant to say that Max wouldn’t be able to earn a tour card again on his own or to claim that he doesn’t belong on the tour in terms of play. Max definitely belongs in this play area. He is still one of the best German players and has done a lot for darts in Germany. He brought a lot of young people to darts. Now he just can’t give up and has to keep going and of course fight and bite. I definitely trust him.

Nico Kurz, Fabian Schmutzler and Robert Marijanovic have been to a darts World Cup in the past, but hardly drew attention to themselves afterwards. You too had to watch the World Cup from home in 2020 and 2021. Does German darts lack consistency?

I would rather say that German darts lack time. One must not forget the background of all the players. Fabian Schmutzler played his first World Cup when he was just 16, which is a huge success. He has to process and classify that for himself first. It’s not all that easy.

Many also go to work on the side, Fabian still goes to school, these are factors that should not be underestimated. The prize money is not so high that you can stop working straight away. The pressure is enormous. This is not to be taken lightly.

In the UK darts is a fixture in the sporting world. However, the breakthrough in Germany has not yet been fully achieved. What has to happen so that the broad masses of the population in this country are also enthusiastic about darts?

A great success by a German could make the difference. But maybe it’s just a matter of time again. There are other sports that have existed for much longer, they are simply much more prominent here because a lot more money has been invested there or they appeal to a larger crowd.

Darts is a sport in which I experience that a lot of people have problems counting down the points. As long as there are still such problems, darts will not be suitable for the masses. But that will level out over the years. People will understand how to play this game and it will become easier.

Rarely have the world leaders been so close together before a darts world championship. The days of pure dominance by a single player like Phil Taylor or Michael van Gerwen are over. Who are your favorites for the 2023 world title?

I don’t think there will ever be a phase like Phil Taylor’s again. I wouldn’t write off Michael van Gerwen entirely. He has really impressively shown that he can play a shovel better than everyone else.

But of course the width in darts has gotten much better, you have to say that. The top is very close together. I would particularly name Gerwyn Price, Michael van Gerwen, Peter Wright, Michael Smith and Luke Humphries. But at the moment I don’t see anyone else who could start straight away at the World Cup.

There was great criticism of Fallon Sherrock’s participation in the World Cup. Although she didn’t qualify, she was invited by the PDC. How do you feel about this decision?

It has to be said that Fallon won the Womens World Matchplay. It’s the only major tournament for women from the PDC. Since she won it, that’s definitely one of the criteria for me to invite her to the World Cup. But of course it’s worth discussing.

We can be very thankful that she can play with us. She has inspired many women to play darts and also inspires enthusiasm among male spectators. Of course you don’t want to play against them because the hall is against you.

What has to happen for there to be a darts world champion from Germany at some point?

It will show what has to happen. Again, time is of the essence here. Where were we in Germany ten years ago? There was no Max Hopp, no Gabriel Clemens and not me either. But back then there were already players like Michael van Gerwen and Michael Smith on the PDC tour. You grew up playing darts and have been playing major tournaments for a long time.

For us it is a new opportunity every year. We have to see that we can simply keep up with it all the time. The German guys do it really well and try it with real heart and soul. But there is also a lot of pressure behind it. Work, travel and prize money are decisive factors. But there are also many young top people coming. I am very confident that there will definitely be big successes in major tournaments at some point. Maybe even at a World Cup.

Jannis Bartling conducted the interview
