Vv Havelte hammer blow removed from new complex

Sports park De Meerkamp in Havelte will almost certainly receive a multimillion-dollar refurbishment. The city council of Westerveld debated this tonight. Who the new neighbors will be, that is still unknown.

Prior to the debate in the city council, chairman Peter Heupink of VV Havelte once again emphasized that action is needed. A message he has been proclaiming for several years.

The canteen and changing rooms are rattling on all sides and do not meet the desired safety and hygiene requirements. A ball on the roof has to wait until it blows off, because sending someone onto the roof is too dangerous.

New construction is the only option, Heupink stated: “Investing in the current location is mopping up with the tap open.”


The city council debated the future of De Meerkamp tonight. It is expected that almost four million euros will be needed for the refurbishment of the site, the construction of new parking spaces and the construction of the canteen and changing room complex.

Three million is for the account of the municipality, vv Havelte invests half a million and subsidies are also used.

Two phases

Most parties seem to agree with the option in which De Meerkamp is tackled in two phases. First the football club gets started with the canteen, changing rooms and the fields, then it is looked at who will be the new neighbours. Because of a different layout, 1.7 hectares of space is freed up, available for a different use.

In the second phase, part of the investment must be earned back. Other sports clubs (survival, skating club and equestrian club) may move from the center of Havelte to the vacant space at De Meerkamp. Then houses could be built in the village center. Another option is to use the freed-up space next to the football field for housing. Depending on the chosen location, this is expected to yield 1.2 to 1.5 million euros.

Housing construction essential

Housing construction is essential for the parties in the council, because that way part of the investment of millions can be recouped. “Or housing on the heptathlon or on the ice rink”, Alfred Schoenmaker of Sustainable Strong Westerveld left no doubt about ‘phase 2’.

Progressief Westerveld (PW) expressed concern about a doomsday scenario in which no construction will take place, which was shared by CDA member Gerjo Ballast. “This project has become so big, housing has to be implemented to cover the costs.”

Alderman Henk Doeven says that the focus is on housing at one of the two locations. “But I can never give 100 percent certainty. Investigations will have to be done first, which applies to both locations.” He said he wanted to continue, now that the entire process has been running for so long.


Something that Michiel van de Kasteelen (PW) could agree with. “This is the momentum we’ve been waiting for. It’s win-win-win.” He sees that the football club benefits. “We think it’s also a win for the other sports clubs in Havelte. And it’s a win for housing in Havelte. There are groups, both young people and the Knarrenhof, who have been waiting for suitable locations for ages. come.”

The City Council will make a final decision on the proposal next week. As soon as the gavel collapses, VV Havelte can prepare for a large-scale renovation.
