The Government approves a plan to promote green Artificial Intelligence

The Government of Spain has approved this Tuesday the National Program of Green Algorithms (PNAV), a plan in which they will invest 278 million euros of the european funds to develop a Artificial intelligence (IA) that is respectful with the environment.

The Council of Ministers has given the go-ahead to a project that will be developed during the period 2023-2025 and that will promote research so that sustainable variables are incorporated by design in the algorithms used by both the public administration and private companies. With this, they seek to position the country at the technological forefront and accelerate, at the same time, both the digital transition like the ecological

The AI is called to be the engine of economic development of the coming years, increasingly linked to the digitization of the productive fabric. However, building such computer systems requires high energy costs, with booming carbon emissions. It is this concern that has led the Spanish government to promote a plan that goes in the opposite direction.

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“AI provides an improvement in information analysis and decision making, which results in better monitoring of trends and impacts on the environmenthelping to reduce the consumption of Energy and resources, to promote decarbonization and boost the circular economy“, Moncloa has pointed out.

The keys to the plan

The PNAV will be articulated in four axes:

  1. Promote research in green technology in multiple sectors, opening the door to innovative products that are increasingly sustainable. The Government will directly finance the creation of two university chairs linked to this sector and to researchers.

  2. Promote the use of efficient infrastructures and services that encourage energy consumption from renewable sources. To this end, tools will be developed to measure the environmental impact of the algorithms and a ‘Green Tech Quality Seal’ will be implemented to recognize AI models that meet green criteria.

  3. Integrate green AI and decentralized technology blockchain in the productive fabric. The Next Tech Fund will also be promoted, a public-private collaboration investment instrument that plans to mobilize more than 4,000 million euros in high-impact digital projects.

  4. Boost the Spanish market by promoting the adoption of AI in sectors that work to mitigate the effects of climate change. The plan will trigger technology development competitions to try to find technological solutions to growing environmental problems.
