De Peiling: I really like the cold

Scratching the windows of the car, delays in public transport and standing in traffic jams on the motorways. This is what this morning looked like for many people. The temperature dropped to a lot below 0 degrees last night and it was even the coldest night of the year! Yet the winter traditions: eating chowder, drinking mulled wine and ice skating also bring a lot of joy. Do you think it’s too cold or can’t it be cold enough for you?

It was the coldest night of the winter season in De Bilt. At the KNMI headquarters it became -7.6 degrees. Weeronline registers that it is rare in the warming climate for it to be as cold as it is now in this early winter. However, early cold nights have become more common in recent decades.

To skate

The cold nights will continue for a while. The coming night it can also be locally -9 degrees. If the ice nearby is already thick enough, quickly grab the skates from the closet. The skating fun is probably temporary, because the prediction is that we will tap the 11 degrees again next week.
