On average 1371 euros per month – Berlin pension in facts

Many nursing homes are now increasing the prices for a nursing place.  Not all those affected can cope financially well

828,788 Berliners are pensioners (symbol image) Photo: picture alliance/dpa/dpa-tmn

By Oliver Ohmann

828,788 Berliners are pension recipients (statutory, private, company pensions). Of these, 477,312 women and 351,476 men.

► The average monthly pension is EUR 1,371 (women: EUR 1,372, men: EUR 1,370).

► 27 percent of all people receive a pension of between 20,000 and 30,000 euros per year.

► Those aged 85 and over have the highest average pension income: 1770 euros/month

► The sum of the pension payments is 13.6 billion euros annually.

► On average, women received an old-age pension for the first time at the age of 64.2, men at 64.3.

► The number of pension recipients is currently declining slightly, falling by 1673 in 2021 compared to the previous year.

► The average weekly working time in Berlin is currently 35.2 hours (men 36.8 hours, women 33.4 hours)

(The latest figures from the State Office for Statistics and German Pension Insurance refer to the year 2021)


Retirement pension scheme retirees seniors
