Lauri Tukonen talks about his career – top hockey is no longer possible

Lauri Tukonen, 36, who has returned home to Hyvinkää, does volunteer work for the sport he loves, which has given a lot. And also taken.

Hyvinkää’s ice rink is quiet on a weekday afternoon. Lauri Tukonen introduces him to the beloved place from where a long, joyful and at the same time painful journey started.

Tukonen was only 15 years old when he played for Mest in his parent club Ahmoi.

– Then there were people in the hall and a terrible atmosphere in the stands. It means a lot to me that I was able to play for Mest here, Tukonen says and seems a bit emotional.

Tukonen’s family moved from Sastamala to Hyvinkää in the summer of 2021, when the older son started eskar. Tukonen began his business studies in Haaga-Helia, and this fall he promised to become the chairman of Hyvinkää Ahmoje.

Managing a club of more than 500 registered players takes a lot of time, but Tukonen doesn’t even agree to talk about a position of trust as a job.

– The blood just draws to the hall. There is nothing as fascinating as watching children and young people practice. Sometimes we fall and then we keep going again with a smile.

Tukonen has done the same. Fell and continued after recovering with a smile on my way.

First round NHL reservation

Lauri Tukonen was blessed with a great NHL career. Jaakko Stenroos / AOP

Tukonen made his debut in Espoo Blues at the age of 17. The road to stardom was open when the Los Angeles Kings drafted him in the first round (11th pick) in 2004.

Tukonen was one of the gems of the age group born in 1986, who rose to the awareness of the puck crowd at the 2006 World Youth Championships, which ended with a bronze medal ceremony. Tukonen, Lauri Korpikoski and Petteri Nokelainen formed Finland’s sharp attack chain.

The NHL games for the Los Angeles Kings were limited to only five games. He returned to Finland and proved that he is an elite player at the European level, but the tormenting cycle of injuries did not stop.

Tukosen has had operations on, among other things, his knee, hip and shoulder. Everyday has been full of pain, heavy rehabilitation and worry about the future.

Tukonen still talks about his difficulties directly and without shame. He seems to have you with his past.

– For example, it has become annoying when Jalonen Jukka has invited to the national team, but I haven’t been able to go. However, I am happy and proud of what I achieved, even though I played my entire career at maybe 85 percent efficiency.

Top pulley on the head

The injuries have also had tragic features.

Once he hurt his leg on the stairs of Rauma’s Äijänsuo hall. In the gym, the upper pulley cable broke and the bar fell on the head, causing a couple of stitches.

A fighter in the AHL club Manchester Monarch Kevin Westgarth had for some reason been put in an overpowering pack. He shot the puck right in the cheek – ten stitches.

Tukonen praises the professionals who helped him and emphasizes that everything possible has been done for his health.

– However, the injuries have come through accidents. There’s nothing you can do for them. It would be a different matter if I had, for example, not done warm-ups and my hamstrings would have been scattered.

A fan favorite

Lauri Tukonen enjoyed his time in Luko. Jaakko Stenroos / AOP

Tukonen became a fan favorite, especially in Rauma’s Luko. He received a rare honorary scarf from the Raumam Boja supporters group, which is not given lightly.

– Yes, Rauma’s years were great. We had a quality team that was very close to that great success.

The popularity of supporters is no wonder, because Tukonen has always been known as a warm-hearted person who takes others into consideration. The same attitude has emerged in the rink.

– It’s a matter of honor for me that I don’t undermine the guy’s chance to succeed. I can claim my place in the group and be relevant. A team is only as good as its weakest link.

Often returning from the injured list, he watches a couple of games a little cautiously from the sidelines, but Tukonen usually pushed the all-in button to the bottom, even after a long return. He only knows how to play hockey to the fullest.

He had to pay the price for that.

Lust for the trough

Tukonen has been anesthetized numerous times, and he has had to take strong painkillers. However, he emphasizes that he has tried to use medicines as little as possible.

– However, I feel that I have always been treated well. Humanity has been preserved, and the spirit has not been played with.

Sometimes the pain has been so bad that it has been difficult to get up from the couch.

– I never get used to pain, but compulsion and frenzy have pushed me forward. Don’t they say that when a hockey warrior is at his core, he doesn’t feel anything.

Tukonen played the last matches in TPS 2020, when he tried to come back one more time. He is able to exercise lightly, but the broken shoulder prevents him from turning the full turbo screw in skiing, for example.

– I have to admire, for example Teemu Selänetta, who could still play in the NHL at over 40 years old. It’s an incredible performance.

Tukonen surprises by reminding that he has not officially finished yet. There is still a strong burning in Kaukalo, although the reality is that his health no longer allows competitive hockey.

– Maybe that puck romance could be adjusted a little smaller, Tukonen grins.
