Niels Frevert on tour 2023





“When the neon lights go on in the club after the concert or the party and shine brutally on everything that’s left after the party so that a few brave people can clean up the dirt and plug everything back in – that’s the cleaning light. Nothing looks nice in the cleaning light anymore. There’s no hiding in the cleaning light. Cleaning light hurts. With Niels Frevert, however, the luminous hangover becomes synonymous with going forward, with change, transformation and victory over all the shit we constantly dig through in search of happiness. His album ‘Putzlicht’ is about that. It’s his best yet – a reinvention, a gift, and an artistic triumph.”

This is what Tino Hanekamp writes about the current songs by Niels Frevert, who has always remained something of an insider tip since he started out as a solo artist in 1997 – and yet almost everyone who discovers him on tour or on the radio or in a playlist let a light shine. One who is revered as a master by fellow musicians and of course one of the favorites of the ROLLING STONE editors. And now, after a break of a few years, there is finally a new album: “Pesudopoesie” (to be released on March 24, 2023). The singer accompanies the release with a tour through 18 cities in Germany and Switzerland, presented by ROLLING STONE.

Niels Frevert live 2023

  • 04/19 Bremen, warehouse
  • 20.04. Hanover, Pavilion
  • 04/21 Hamburg, market hall
  • 04/22 Berlin, Lido
  • 04/23 Leipzig, Moritzbastei
  • 04/26 Cologne, Gloria
  • 04/27 Mainz, KUZ
  • 04/28 Schorndorf, manufactory
  • 04/29 Munich, electricity
  • 04/30 Mannheim, old fire station
  • 09.05. Erfurt, central heating (TBC)
  • 10.05. CH-Zurich, Bogen F
  • 05/11 Freiburg, Waldsee
  • 12.05. Ulm, Roxy
  • 05/13 Dortmund, FZW
  • 05/18 Dresden, barn
  • 05/19 Magdeburg, Moritzhof
  • 20.05. Rostock, Peter Weiss House




