Nick is only fifteen and has been a volunteer in care for many years

1/3 Nick often plays games with the residents of Den Herdgang (photo: Imke van de Laar)

Nick Weterings from Tilburg is only fifteen years old and has been a volunteer in healthcare for many years. He comes to help in Den Herdgang residential care center every week. Nick serves coffee, walks with the residents and plays games with them. That is why Nick has a chance to win the title Brabander of the Year.

Profile photo of Imke van de Laar
Written by

Imke van de Laar

You can vote for Nick or read more about the other nominees on our special voting page.

Concentrated, Nick plays a game of Four in a Row with one of the residents of Den Herdgang. “Congratulations,” he says sportily when he discovers he’s lost.

Nick comes to the residential care center every Friday. He then plays games with the residents, takes them for a walk, sets the table and serves coffee and tea. “I like it. And you get to know the people, I like that too. Some elderly people are quite lonely, when I’m there they feel less alone,” he says.

“I don’t want to lie on the couch but be among people.”

Nick has been coming to Den Herdgang since he was twelve to help and entertain residents. While most boys his age spend their free time gaming or hanging out with friends, Nick prefers to play Rummikub. “Some people sometimes say: ‘you’re free, go lie down on the couch’. But I want to be among people, that’s why I’m here.”

And the residents of Den Herdgang are very happy with that. A resident says with a smile: “I think it’s fantastic. The more people who do that, the better it is for us.” His neighbor agrees wholeheartedly. “It’s very nice when Nick comes. And if you ask him something, he will do it right away.”

“I like it when I can give people a nice day.”

Claudi Olieslagers from Den Herdgang is also happy with Nick. “As a twelve-year-old he stood at my desk asking if he could help. We first let him do the bingo, but in the meantime he can be found in the living room every week. The residents really like it with those ‘young things’ as they do here. say in Tilburg. It is also special.”

Nick himself thinks it’s quite normal. “I’m happy when I’m here. I just like it when I can give people a nice day.”

READ ALSO: Who will be the Brabander of the Year 2022? These are the nominees
