Christmas 2022: children’s books to give for the holidays

THEChristmas has always been an opportunity to fulfill the wishes of the little ones. This is also confirmed by a survey conducted by AstraRicerche for Amazon Prime on the magic of giving games to children. For 52% of those interviewed, the thrill of having their wishes fulfilled is priceless. Not only games though, Christmas is also an opportunity to give books away: Telling stories and discovering other worlds turn out to be among the favorite pastimes of the Christmas holidays.

Christmas 2022, books and games among the favorite gifts for children

The game remains the first favorite gift that adults give to children for Christmas: joy, amazement, the desire to fulfill a wish (for 80.6% of those interviewed by AstraRicerche for Amazon Prime) are among the reasons that drive parents, friends and relatives to choose them. Games which, however, must have very specific characteristics: in fact, it is fundamental that stimulate the imagination and creativity of the little onesimportant for 57% of those interviewed, but also that they are taught to be patient and to collaborate with others.

Loved those closely related to the Christmas holidays with Santa Claus and the Befana protagonists of unusual adventures but also good witches, goblins and hats with extraordinary powers: Christmas 2022 is magical in children’s books. Not to mention the great classics of world literature, designed and reinterpreted for the little ones.

In short, not a “simple” game, but a stimulating and educational moment. A bit like books do too, among the favorite gifts for children at Christmas.

From the Befana, to gangster grandmothers to magical hats…

The worlds that children are told are real but with a pinch of magic and above all a lot of adventure. As in the debut of the English writer Tamzin Merchant The house of the Magic Hats: a London made up of elegant ladies, Sirs with large hats, cloaks and two families competing for power. For fans instead of David Walliams, the second episode of Granny Gangster: Strikes Back! an extraordinary adventure, always set in the streets of London, in which Ben finds himself following in the footsteps of the Black Cat, a mythical thief of jewels, including those of the Queen, finding himself on the roof of the British Museum.

But Santa Claus and the Befana are obviously also protagonists of Christmas stories. What happens, for example, if the Befana has a fever a few days before the Epiphany? A young apprentice must be taught to be…Befana as told in At school from the Epiphany. And how did Santa Claus start his career? What was his life like before becoming Santa Claus? L.Frank Baum tells it in The life and adventures of Santa Claus. Stories and adventures that strike the imagination of children.

…Up to the interactive books between boxes and discoveries and the great classics reinterpreted

Each story is a real discovery. Between boxes to open and a story to read a day, like the adventures of the owl Winston who twenty-four and a half adventures before returning home for the Holidays in Winston comes home for Christmas. Or even like the Christmas treasure hunt organized by Peter Coniglio around the forest, with many boxes to open behind which clues are hidden.

But Christmas is also the time to start discovering the great classics. In particular, the holidays are the occasion for get to know Ebenezer Scrooge, the surly and very stingy protagonist of Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, this year re-edited by Neri Pozza in an illustrated version so as to fully immerse yourself in London in the mid-nineteenth century. Or to get to know Quasimodo and the beautiful Esmeralda in the new version also illustrated by L’Ippocampo by Notre Dame de Paris.

Adventures, magic, classics: Christmas is the best time to give away great adventures.

