Growing Emmen finds new accommodation and expands further

Growing Emmen is moving again. From January 9, the entrepreneurial breeding ground will open its doors at De Bukakkers, near the center.

There the company rents a building with more than 2700 square meters, which offers the company opportunities to expand further. Growing Emmen is currently still located in the building on Parallelweg, where Sedna used to be located. Twelve homes will be built on this site.

Dènis Assen is at the helm together with his wife Alya and co-owner Johan van Tiel. “Current energy prices, a dated building with high energy consumption meant that we had no choice to stay in the current location. So we had to look for new accommodation,” says Assen.

The owners are delighted with the building on De Bukakkers by contractor Jan Brands. “We are very grateful that he thought along with us. Our concept also requires you to be close to the center, with sufficient free parking spaces. Spaces where people can meet.”

“We are more of a meeting place than a workplace. We are an entrepreneurial breeding ground for new and innovative entrepreneurship. You will find various partners and other entrepreneurs with us”, says Assen. NHL Stenden and Drenthe College are also partners of Growing Emmen, which offers flexible workplaces and office space.

In the coming period, the building will mainly be subject to a metamorphosis, in order to apply the Growing Emmen style in the building. “That’s the biggest challenge now,” laughs Assen, standing between the broken walls. “How do you get a welcome, open and homely atmosphere that is characteristic here? Fortunately, we have people who understand this. Color is introduced, walls are broken open. Beautiful furniture is installed. We are going to make it a wonderful place again together .”
