Education distributes 331 million to the autonomies to create public places for early childhood education

  • The department directed by Pilar Alegría allocates other items for the training retraining of professionals and the schooling of Ukrainian children

The Council of Ministers has approved this morning the distribution to the autonomous communities of 331 million euros for the creation of 21,794 public and free places for early childhood education (0 to 3 years, a stage that is not compulsory but that has a positive impact on the students who take it). In addition to improving equity in the education system, the goal is also facilitate family reconciliationespecially those with fewer resources. “It is a very important measure for many families in this country. First of all, because we all know the beneficial effects that has the early schooling of boys and girls. Secondly, this allows us to take effective steps towards that true family reconciliation and employment of many families in our country, especially those younger families. And, thirdly, the implementation of these public squares in the Rural environment it is one of the main pillars so that families can choose to live in these municipalities and establish their life projects there,” said the Minister of Education, Pilar Alegría, at the press conference after the ministerial meeting.

Also, and with the aim of recycling of many professionalscommunities will receive €101 million complementary to carry out training actions aimed at employed and unemployed workers. This item is added to the 846 million approved last May for this same purpose. These funds, coming from the annual budgets of the ministry, will be directed to training in certificates of professionalism linked to the national catalog of professional qualificationsfollowing the training needs of the labor market and in accordance with the provisions of the Vocational Training Law.

Ukrainian children

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Finally, Education has allocated another batch of 13.5 million euros for attention to Ukrainian minors in school in Spain due to the invasion by Putin’s army. To date, the Spanish educational system has incorporated more than 30,000 Ukrainians into its classrooms in non-university stages. “From the first moment, in agreement with the communities, we established a commitment to collaborate to cover the expenses of these students,” Alegría pointed out after thanking the entire educational community for their “effort and work to care for these children in record time , girls and young people who arrived in Spain fleeing the horror of war & rdquor ;.

The funds, which are expected to be 70 million in 2023, may be used to hire reinforcement teaching staff, labor personnel and conversation assistants; transport and school canteen; acquisition of school supplies and school furniture; and adaptation and/or conditioning of spaces for ordinary classrooms.
