Het is vandaag zwaarbelkt dead drunk met in het north-west of het land what light rain of smeltende snow. Maar in the other regions we watched snow, the local dead snow can suffer 5 and 10 cm, in the high veins it may be dead around 15 cm, reports the KMI.
If it can be done in good time, there is no snow left, allocate the strooid services of roads and traffic that are no longer necessary. It is said that it is very possible for the doctor to speak, but it is here and there it is snow in the doctor’s office, it is possible that it is extra word for the doctor after the accident.
The decision was taken over all that no strooien were taken on the basis of the GladheidMeetSystem (GMS), a digital dashboard dat gladheid before weergegevens van het KMI te combineren with a wegweermodel, zegt the Agentschap Wegen in Verkeer.
December is 103,000 tons in advance for 313 roads on roads and 200 roads on roads. He will say that seizoen also heel what vernieuwde fietspadstrooiers uitrijden. Verder roept Because of a Verkeer automobilisten op om voor vertrek de website van het Vlaams Verkeerscentrum te raadplegen. Brussel Mobiliteit meldde zondagavond also al dat het zijn strooidienst opstart.
Snow melts away in Vlaanderen
Geleidelijk wordt het later vandaag vanaf het north-west drug and also iets zachter. In Laag-België the snow is over in the smeltende sneeuw and rain and smelt het sneeuwlaagje stilaan way. In the Ardennes, there is snow on most places.
The maximum liggen tussen 0 grades in the Ardennes, 2 to 3 grades in the north-west and 5 grades vlak aan zee. The wind waait zwak, en aan zee matig, and krimpt van north of noordnoordoost to north tot north-west.
Vanavond valt he still wat light rain in the province of Limburg and still wat snow in the Ardennes, maar daarna wordt het vrijwel overal droog. It is cloudy in the center of the south-east of the country where it is dead in front of the mist, locally the most dense mist. Aan zee can in the late night then weer grandchildren buien vanaf zee opduiken. The minimum requirements must be 1 and 5 grades. The wind word comes from the north of different directions.
Dinsdag start on the most squares in gray, but in the loop van de dag will be moved to the top squares in Opklaringen, in the north-west of the north of Opklaringen. Ten zuiden van Samber en Maas blijft het then weer overcast and misty. In the Kuststreek zijn enkele buien mogelijk, elders zou het droog blijven. The maximum limit must be 0 degrees in the Hoge Venen and 7 degrees vlak aan zee. The wind is meanwhile blowing in the wind from the north to the west of the country.