Who will not march in the FDT to support Cristina Kirchner

Several groups, such as the Evita Movementwill not march in support of the vice president Cristina Kirchner on December 6, when the ruling is known by the Cause Road. It is also likely that neither the Classist and Combative Currentheaded by Juan Carlos Aldereteneither We are Barrios de Pie, by Daniel Menéndez, as well as neither Movement of Excluded Workers. And it is that the discontent is growing among the social movements, who are increasingly distanced from the government.

The Evita Movement He does not plan to join the mobilization on December 6. “We will not go. It is an issue that is very far from the people’s agenda,” he said. Gildo Onorato, leader of Evita and union secretary of UTEP. But in Evita they not only plan to miss the mobilization, but also to abandon the government of Alberto Fernández, after the conflict over the lifting of tax secrecy on the plans Enhance Work following denunciations of irregularities committed by various beneficiaries.

“Between the Government and our colleagues, we choose our colleagues, we are not going to validate or be complicit in a direct adjustment to our social base,” Onorato declared. “My position within the Evita Movement is that everyone must leave the Government. That is being analyzed. We are going to be a furious opposition against the Government if it adjusts to those most in need, to the most vulnerable, to those who have the least”, he added.

The Movement of Excluded Workersled by the social leader John Grabois, is another of those who is increasingly far from the government and it is likely that he will not be present on Tuesday either. Angered by the conflict over tax secrecy, Grabois declared in recent days: “Do you want to lift the tax secrecy of those who receive a social salary? Good! Let the tax secrecy of politicians, judges, commissioners, state contractors, fugitives, journalists with advertising, union and social leaders be lifted, or is the rope always for the poor? ”, Grabois tweeted, from his Twitter account.

Gildo Onorato, leader of the Evita Movement and one of the government’s most critical social referents, announced that the group will not participate in supporting Cristina.

Juan Carlos Alderete stated that it will be decided in an Assembly today if the Classist and Combative Current folds or not to the act of Tuesday. Said Assembly will take place in parallel to a cut that will be made in Pueyrredon Bridge to show the discomfort that social organizations have with the government.

They will participate in the cut We are Barrios de Pie, El Evita, the Classist and Combative Current, the Movement of Excluded Workers, We are America and the Darío Santillán Popular Front. There they will finish defining the adhesions to the mobilization of the next week.

The social leader Luis D´Elia harshly criticized The Campora and to Evita Movement for not adhering to the support to Cristina Kirchner. “They got tired of saying ‘don’t mess with Cristina, but what a mess it’s going to make.’ Well, they’re going to mess with Cristina, on Tuesday at six in the evening. They are going to condemn her. They couldn’t shoot her, they’re going to try to get her off the field through judicial and political demonization. And everyone in there, what the fuck are they going to do? are they going to look? Are you going to wait for the outcome of the appeal? But don’t fuck with me, please! ”, She claimed in her radio editorial.

Government-aligned unions, such as ATEYes, they will join the mobilization, as they communicated on their social networks. “The state officials are with Cristina”, was the slogan that the union spread. Also legal figures, such as the judge Juan Ramos Padilla and the organization legitimate justiceIn addition to various human rights groups, they will be part of the delegation.

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