No contact Sterrebos occupier: green light for power bank | 1Limburg

The nine occupiers in the forest next to VDL Nedcar in Born hold out. The action group was unable to contact one of the occupiers for a long time on Saturday.

The police gave permission on Saturday evening to bring a power bank into the forest for this activist, which can be used to charge a mobile phone.

Apart from that incident, the activists got through the night well. “Everyone is doing well,” said a spokeswoman for the action group Save the Sterrebos on Sunday morning. “They made it through the wind and the rain.” The 15 activists who were arrested Saturday morning in an attempt to enter the forest enclosed by high fences with a large group have been released, the action group reports.

Also read: Fifteen activists arrested at Sterrebos

A demonstration will take place around the forest on Sunday afternoon, in which people from all over the country participate, according to the action group. Buses come from the Randstad, and there is a shuttle service from the station in Sittard.

Owner VDL wants to cut down part of the forest to enable expansion of the neighboring Nedcar car factory. The factory says it needs that expansion to attract new clients. The activists want to prevent that cap.


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