The most central terraces of Ciutat Vella will have to close at 11pm from this Friday

  • The rest of the bars in the district must clear the tables at 2 instead of 3

The time limitation of terraces in various streets and squares Old Town It will come into force this Friday, December 2. A series of streets and squares in this district of Barcelona will be affected, where some 50 restaurants and bars in Gòtic and Raval will have to collect the outdoor tables at 11:00 p.m. Every day of the week; according to the resolution published by the Official Gazette of the Province of Barcelona this Friday.

The schedule that had until now allowed them to open until midnight on weekdays and until one in the morning on weekends. The affected establishments are located in areas considered acoustically stressed at night in Ciutat Vella. Specifically, the affected areas by the decree are the following:

  • Escudellers Street

  • n’Arai street

  • Obradors street between Escudellers and Rull

  • Carabassa street between Escudellers and Rosa

  • Nou de Sant Francesc street between Escudellers and Rull

  • George Orwell Square

  • Rellotge Passage

  • Escudellers passage between Escudellers and Josep Pijoan streets

  • Joaquim Cota street between Torres i Amat and Carme street

  • tiger street

  • pigeon street

  • Calle de San Vicenç between Tigre and Ferlandina

  • Ferlandina Street between Joaquim Costa and Plaça dels Àngels

  • Angels Square

  • Emili Vendrell Square

  • Aglà street

  • Vidre Street

In the rest of the streets and squares of Ciutat Vella, those that do not appear on the list, the bars and restaurants will also have reduced hours: they will have to close at 2 in the morninginstead of at 3.

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This measure is added to others that are being carried out in the district within the noise pollution reduction plan in the streets and squares. For example, last month it was decreed that food outlets of less than 150 square meters of these streets have to close at 10:00 p.m.

Hours have also been extended prohibition of driving with skateboards in Plaça de Àngels and its surroundings, from 10:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m., and the use of speakers is prohibited for for the tour guides.
