“enormous” risk of nuclear war

The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrovhas raised the tone several decibels this Thursday by speaking openly that today “the risk of escalating to a nuclear war it is enormous“. At a press conference in Moscow, the head of the diplomacy of the Government of Vladimir Putin stressed that Europe’s security must be rebuilt from top to bottom and blamed West that institutions like the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) are not working as they should.

Lavrov recalled that Putin and the US president, Joe Biden, signed a declaration in June 2021 stressing that there can be no victors in a nuclear war, a document that five nuclear powers later signed. And he has assured that Moscow observes with concern the rhetoric of the West, when it accuses Russia of preparing provocations with the use of massive destruction weapons. “But the West itself, the US, Great Britain or France are doing everything to increase their practically direct participation in the war they are waging against Russia through the Ukrainians. It is a dangerous trend“, he emphasized, before assuring that it is not possible to discuss strategic stability and nuclear weapons with Washington without taking into account the situation of Ukraine. Russia has sine die postponed the negotiation on the new START Treaty on nuclear disarmament that was to start at the end of November in Egypt.

“The West is doing exactly what the war was created against. OSCE: this digging dividing lines“, assured the Foreign Minister. “The decision (to reestablish relations) corresponds to the West, which has been systematically destroying everything that was established as the principles for the operation of a single pan-European organization called OSCE during all these long decades ” Lavrov has pointed out.

In addition, the veteran Russian diplomat has once again distanced himself. “The old relations between Russia and the West will not return to the same as before,” he assured and pointed out to USA and the European Union as guilty of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict by not having willpower for prevent it. “We were ready to go further and say that not only should nuclear war not be launched, but any war between nuclear powers is also unacceptable. Even if someone decides to start it by conventional means, the risk of escalating to nuclear war is enormous. “He pointed out about the current conflict with Ukraine.

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He has also blamed the NATO to reject the proposals for security guarantees that Moscow transferred to him in December 2021 and that would have led to the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine. They asked that the Atlantic Alliance not accept more ex-soviet countries in your organization, that there was no US bases on post-Soviet territory and mutually limit the deployment of weapons. In the same press conference, Lavrov has also defended the actions of his army before a journalist who has asked him about the shelling in Ukraineincluding the territory that Russia annexed – without recognition from the international community – in September and therefore considers its own.

“In Stalingrad too we bombed nazis“, he has sentenced. And he justified the attacks against energy infrastructures because, he has assured, “it provides combat potential to the Ukrainian armed forces, to the nationalist battalions, and the delivery of a large quantity of weapons that the West cedes depends on them Ukraine to kill Russians.”
