Diagnosis 2022 for Digital Businesses: Do not end your year without answering these questions

If you offer services or your brand has a presence in the online world, the questions that I will share with you below will help you evaluate the performance of your business, gaining clarity on what happened this year and giving you the opportunity to make better decisions for the next:

Basic diagnosis of annual performance:

– How many new clients did you get this year?

– What were the diffusion channels that brought these new clients?

– What were the products or services that converted the most sales?

– How much will my database increase?

– Who were my biggest buyers this year? Let’s take care and keep these people in mind!

– What products or services did you love to offer or give? Those who make you feel constantly challenged and growing.

– What was the most profitable service or product? What he less?

– What are the entry points of my business? Will I keep the same in 2023?

– How do I get to the end of the year? Do I take care of my well-being as a business leader?

– Last but not least, what do you want to leave behind in 2023 and what will be the keywords that will guide the new year?

This should be a moment of reflection, really, as business owners, we have to prepare ourselves to have difficult conversations with ourselves, but with the aim of doing so in order to improve and make decisions that are more in line with our values ​​and objectives.

When planning your 2023, I recommend doing it in blocks of three months, to avoid procrastinating, planning actions with consistent dates and times.

After the three months, make an appointment with yourself to evaluate your first three months of the year and plan the following ones. The digital tools I use to plan are: Asana, Calendar, Drive and Notion.

And my favorite analog tools are: agenda, planners and checklist.

Do you dare to carry out this annual diagnosis?

Antonella Alcoba, CEO and Director of @buenacomunicacion.aa

Digital Business Mentor & Coach

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