Brothers Nils (13) and David (12) as the youngest in the pub for the second World Cup match

At the kick-off at 5 p.m., every bar stool is already full in eatery De Klinker on the Roode Steen in Hoorn. And in between are also brothers Nils (13) and David (12). They had reserved ‘their stool’ weeks in advance.

It is a somewhat tame World Cup, the Roode Steen is almost empty and there is not much commotion in the streets either. In some bars the TV is on. The fun is in. “We made reservations weeks in advance,” says father Stephen.

Together with his two sons, they fanatically follow every match. “They already asked me, ‘Dad, can we fly to Qatar, it’s not time yet’, but I thought that was still a bit expensive.” They invariably sit at home in front of the TV when there is a match. “Mother doesn’t like it when we swear.. but that sometimes happens,” says Nils a little embarrassed.

A soft drink and a chocolate milk are on the table. “They have to wait for the beer, but football is possible!” Dressed in orange, they enjoy the game. If after 5 minutes the first goal is scored. “I didn’t expect that!” David says in disbelief. Where did he get his orange outfit? “I shopped it online!”

Also at the bar is a group of friends, glued to the TV. “Normally it is in the summer, nice atmosphere, flags, you know it. The atmosphere still has to come in a bit.” But with friends, it’s fine. “Yes, you have to create the atmosphere a bit yourself.”

Despite favorable predictions from many football fanatics in De Klinker, the Orange is not yet assured of the next round. The evening ended with a 1-1 draw.
