“Today I played with a sprained knee”


On at 21:53


The Ecuadorian striker admitted being injured during the match against the Netherlands

Valencia hopes to be available to face Senegal on the last day

Enner Valencia shone again in Ecuador’s draw against the Netherlands (1-1). The Fenerbahçe striker scored the equalizing goal early in the second half, but did not finish the gamesince he had to leave the field of play on a stretcher.

The image has set off alarm bells among the followers of the ‘Tri’, and Valencia himself recognized before the radio microphones Marca that he was already injured before the game started. “I did tests and it came out that I have a knee sprain that is bothering me a bit.”

Aware that these statements may arouse some uncertainty, Valencia wanted to calm the waters, assuring that he hopes to be available for the crucial duel against Senegal. “Today I played with a bit of pain, but the most important thing is that I can help the group. If I was able to play this match, I hope to be much better for the next one“.
