The 4 books to read of the week, from Armani to Versace

THE 4 must-read books of the week are all dedicated to fashion. It’s time for year-end balance sheets. And what’s better than diving into the lives of others. Of the stylists who have been able to conquer the Olympus of the gods thanks to their creation, their art. Rizzoli publishes the memoirs of Giorgio Armani and Santo Versace who immediately tells how there was a before and after the death of his brother Gianni. Stories to be inspired by people who have launched Made in Italy into the world.

1/ Books to read. Giorgio Armani. For love

Books to read.  For love.  Giorgio Armani

Why read it

For love comes from the illustrated volume published in 2015 on the occasion of the forty years of the brand and extends its contents. Where narration was mainly in images, now it is in words, but the timeless inspiration is identical, the clear clarity of vision and thought. Starting from the texts of the time, Giorgio Armani recounts the events involving his family, and then he dwells, one by one, on the buzzwords that constantly recur in his way of being and thinking, living and working, convinced that such ideas can be useful to many, not only to those who want to make fashion.

For love it is a direct book, like its author, of which he reveals the public as well as the most intimate side. Life and work for Giorgio Armani have always been one thing: For love is the written testimony, accompanied by a selection of photographs, including private and personal ones. The volume collects statements made over the years in which the designer talks about himself, his youth, the people close to him, his career, which began in a great season for Italian fashion and in a city, Milan, with an irrepressible energy.

And there is no shortage of the most recent events, his idea of ​​creativity and what fascinates him in today’s world. Driven by the proximity to the public created during the pandemic, Giorgio Armani has imagined a deeply personal document, in which fashion is the background. «I chose a title that is both soft and provocative, which surprisingly reflects me. I am pragmatic and rational, but my actions all come from the heart. For this reason the scattered thoughts, collected in this book, are written ‘for love’ said Giorgio Armani.

Info. For love. Giorgio Armani. Rizzoli. 19.90 euros.

2/ Books to read. Brothers – An Italian family

Books to read.  Holy Versace

Why read it

“Relationships between siblings do not follow precise rules. Rather, they follow the waves of life. We unite and disunite, we distance ourselves and we reunite. You navigate by sight. Flat calm or storm surges. Someone who falls overboard and someone who catches him again. You arrive at the port sailing en souplesse or you are forced to flee, chased by sharks. If I have to say what was and still is the most extraordinary aspect of my life, even more than the results obtained, I was thrilled by navigation. I followed the wind, I followed the wind of our family. I learned to live from my parents, I encouraged Gianni’s and then Donatella’s projects, I protected our heritage».

These are the words of Santo Versace, poetic words but always measured as is his nature. And in these pages he tells us about his journey so far. An adventure that began in Reggio Calabria and brought it to Milan and then to conquer the whole world. The story of a man who has lived a thousand lives, wielded power, wealth, fame, he wasn’t afraid to take risks, believe in dreams and passions, he was able to think big and go through adversity without being broken.

And above all that he never escaped from his role: that of the older brother. He was able to support Gianni throughout his life and translate his art into that company that the three brothers together transformed into a legend. He kept the rudder straight even on the darkest nights, when pain and difficulties overwhelmed the family, because this is not only the story of a man but it is also that of a surname: Versace.

Info. Fratelli – An Italian family. Holy Versace. Rizzoli. 18 euros.

3/ Books to read. Making fashion

Books to read.  Making fashion

Why read it

Martina Fuga, art historian and activist, Lidia Labianca, author of children’s books, and Zelda was a Writer, illustrator, they made a coloring book for kids – and not only – with the stories and masterpieces of twenty great stylists: Giorgio Armani, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, Dolce & Gabbana, Salvatore FerragamoJean-Paul Gaultier gucci, Hermes, Karl Lagerfeld, Germana Marucelli, Stella McCartney, Rosita and Ottavio Missoni, Issey Miyake, Miuccia Prada, Yves Saint Laurent, Elsa Schiaparelli, Valentino Garavani, Gianni Versace, Louis Vuitton, Vivienne Westwood.

To use and fill with all the colors of the world. They could write a history of fashion back to ancient times, but the authors have chosen to propose the stories of twenty great stylists (their favourites”), who in the last century and a half, have contributed to writing this history. They write in the introduction: «Every time we go shopping, leaf through the pages of a magazine, or surf social networks, there is one thing we may not think about: who is behind the clothes, bags and shoes what make us dream?”

A timeline, a card with the professions of Fashion, and an index with the words of fashion, from “figurino” to “moodboard”, from “palette” to “revers”, they complete the volume.

Info. Making Fashion. Martina Fuga and Lidia Labianca. Illustrations of Zelda was a Writer. Salani editor. 16.90 euros.

4/ Books to read. Freestyle

Books to read.  Freestyle

Why read it

The fashion designer, fashion and design consultant, creative director, trendsetter and founder of the Wait and See concept store and e-shopin the historic center of Milan, tells of her life spent between London, where she was born, Madrid, Paris and Lausanne. Uberta Zambeletti talks about her destiny and mission. In her book there is the whole journey of her who sees her first ugly little girl, introverted, and then a teenager eager to take her own space in the world. The events of life and a natural vocation for harmony and curiosity later gave her the opportunity to blossom into a strong and courageous person who, after training in the creative field, led her to become an entrepreneur, despite the seemingly little terrain fertile.

Up to his “wait and see” philosophy to learn to be surprised every day.

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Books to read in November and December: some ideas for the winter

Books to read in November and December: some ideas for the winter

Info. Freestyle. Oversights on fashion and life. Uberta Zambeletti. I sleep. 16 euros.

