Office etiquette: things you can’t do in front of the colleague sitting next to you

Working in the office, surrounded by your colleagues, has its advantages. This makes it easier to consult with each other and it can also strengthen the team spirit. It is important that the atmosphere in the workplace is pleasant. For example, there are a few things that you should definitely not do if you want to keep it fun for the colleague next to you.

Going to the office sick

Do you cough and sneeze all together? Then stay home! Even if it is an innocent cold, because it is of course not the intention that you infect others in the workplace. Many people can also see it as a lack of respect for his or her health.

Dump stuff

There are colleagues who prefer to work in such a tidy environment. Are you quite chaotic and do you sometimes leave your things lying around? Or do you put your stuff on someone else’s desk without thinking about it? That can be seen as rude. It is not nice for the other person if he or she has to clean up your mess the next morning before the working day can start.

Do not use headphones

Do you enjoy working with background music? Then put on your headphones, even if you keep the volume low. It could just be that the person sitting next to you finds your taste in music terrible or cannot concentrate properly because of your music.

unwanted sounds

Flavors, heavy breathing, exaggeratedly loud sighs every once in a while: it sounds like an open door, but don’t do it. It can really take the other person out of his concentration.

Don’t gossip negatively about others. That’s not only rude to the person you’re gossiping about, but also to the co-worker sitting right next to you. It really doesn’t always look like that…

Being unreachable

If you have headphones on, try to always be available for your colleagues. If the volume of your music is so loud that you are unreachable for someone else, it comes across as quite rude.

Interfering in something unsolicited

The fact that you can hear what (private) topics the colleagues next to you are discussing does not necessarily mean that you can get involved in the conversation. Giving your unsolicited opinion on a sensitive subject is not a good idea. On the other hand, it is also the case: if you have something personal to discuss with someone else, find a quiet spot far from other colleagues.


Don’t spray too much perfume, no matter how crazy you are about the scent. What you think smells good, someone else might find smelly. Speaking of foul odors; Also think about your personal hygiene. Be critical in the morning before you go out the door: do you smell that fresh…?
