The pressure is growing, towards the super green pass also to work

The green light for the new anti-Covid squeeze, decided on Wednesday by the Council of Ministers, is destined to be strengthened shortly with what Renato Brunetta defines as the “last mile”, that is, the extension of the super green pass to the entire world of work. A provision that would sanction the definitive squeeze for no vax. The reasoning in the Government has started and how to proceed is being studied, evaluating the complexities in the various sectors. Meanwhile, the technical and legislative investigations on the subject continue and at the beginning of next week social partners, trade unions and companies could also be consulted.

Towards a CDM on January 5th

The new decree law on which we are discussing despite the “black smoke” in the last two Cdm, should be discussed again in a Council of Ministers that could be convened on January 5. And already on the 10th of the same month the “quasi lockdown” for the unvaccinated will come into effect, that is the obligation of the mandatory reinforced green certificate everywhere, except in shops and for essential services.

The divisions in the government

The perspective of the super green pass at work is openly supported by the Democratic Party, as declared by the secretary Enrico Letta himself. The same goes for Forza Italia which relaunched it yesterday with Mariastella Gelmini. The League, on the other hand, is silent and expressed its “perplexities” with Giorgetti in the CDM. A “no” destined to be short-lived in the face of the dizzying growth of infections quadrupled in just one week.

The pressing of the Regions

Even the big names of the League know this, starting with Matteo Salvini who must also deal with the pressure coming from the Regions, mostly center-right, represented by the Northern League and governor of Friuli, Massimiliano Fedriga. “We continue along the line of half measures and wasted time”, attacks the president of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, while the Ligurian Giovanni Toti goes further and asks for the vaccination obligation: “For me it can be done tomorrow morning – he says – it would simplify the life and the rules for many people: here I can enter-there I cannot enter, fine point ».


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