Central government, landlords and municipalities are taking action against housing discrimination | News item

News item | 11-22-2022 | 6:00 PM

The national government, together with municipalities, IVBN, VastgoedBelang, Vastgoedpro, VBO, Vastgoedmanagement Nederland, NVM, Aedes and Discrimination.nl, will actively work to combat housing discrimination. All partners are therefore starting an information and awareness campaign to show the door to discrimination together. The campaign is part of the housing discrimination approach.

Hugo de Jonge, Minister for Housing and Spatial Planning: “Everyone deserves a fair chance at a home, but unfortunately that is not yet self-evident. After all, discrimination also occurs in the area of ​​housing. It should not be the case that house seekers with, for example, a non-Dutch sounding name have less chance of viewing a rented house. That is why the national government is starting a campaign together with landlords, rental intermediaries and municipalities to make people aware of their rights and obligations in order to jointly take a stand against discrimination.”

Discrimination is a broad social problem, is prohibited by law and must be addressed. Also in terms of living. Nevertheless, the monitor discrimination in housing rental 2021 and 2022 of the Verwey-Jonker Institute shows that discrimination also occurs in housing rental. The housing discrimination approach consists of five lines of action: monitoring and research, information and awareness, enforceable regulations in the bill on good landlordship, research into the reporting obligation and strengthening the regional and sector-oriented approach.

The information campaign contributes to raising awareness of housing discrimination and is aimed at landlords and intermediaries on the one hand and tenants and home seekers on the other. The campaign also informs landlords about what is and what is not allowed. For example, rental agents are not allowed to cooperate in barring candidates with a certain profile. Tenants are made aware of their rights with the help of the awareness campaign. If home seekers experience discrimination in the housing market, they can submit a complaint at discrimination.nl.
