Water, how much to drink in a day? The expert answers

Lwater is a source of beauty. Not only for its richness in minerals and trace elements but because it helps keep the skin hydrated, i.e. turgid and soft to the touch, and therefore fresher and younger. But how many liters should you drink in a day? And based on age, how does the recruitment change? «On average, the famous two liters a day are more than enough. However, it is obvious that according to the season but also to age, needs change» explains the doctor Domenico Ventura, specialist in plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery.

Water, the properties of liquid gold

Water is a fundamental nutrient for our body which must be drunk daily otherwise our health suffers: «Water makes up 70% of our body weight. Considered a sort of liquid gold for the body, it allows practically all of our vital functionseven the exchange of oxygen from the air to the lungs can only work by passing through a veil of liquid called a surfactant» explains Dr. Ventura.

Given its importance, it is therefore it is essential to supply the right quantity which, basically, is measured in 8-10 glasses per day, considering that a glass contains from 125 to 150 ml of drink. Added to this are also personal factors that must be kept in mind into consideration in water intake. Especially age.

For example, one liter of water a day is sufficient for children between the ages of 1 and 3, reaching a liter and a half, a maximum of 1.7 liters a day, between the ages of 9 and 13. To then reach two liters a day in adulthood. Obviously, as the expert also specifies, the intake of water is intended both for drinking and present in fruit and vegetables.

Why does daily water intake change with age?

The reason is very simple «During the 20s the metabolism is at the best of its regenerative capabilitiesthe endogenous hyaluronic acid that cells produce have a very high level of hydration, and from this derive those characteristics of turgidity, softness, smoothness that distinguish our skin in those years, when we need water. Until more or less this age, the body therefore compensates for any lack of liquids thanks to its regenerative capacity».

More water even in winter: tips for drinking more

The situation changes from about 25 years of age: «As the years go by, the skin sees these functions diminish and therefore also the reserve of elastic substances and water decreases. As a result, the epidermis loses thickness and tone if not let’s introduce an adequate amount of liquids that allows us to compensate for this slowdown in metabolism of the cells. Hence the concept that the more time passes, the more attention we need to pay to proper fluid intake. Not necessarily drinking more in absolute terms, rather drinking the famous two liters a day which perhaps in previous years was hardly consumed».

The importance of drinking two liters a day

But why are two liters a day so fundamental? First of all, they help detoxify the body, eliminating a whole series of waste substances from the body favoring diuresis and therefore the elimination of waste. They also improve cellular metabolic exchanges, facilitate intestinal transit, improve the appearance of the skin.

«This mechanism is effective because, unlike what one thinks, taking liquids in the right amount gives the body positive information about the abundance of water, a fundamental element, and therefore about the fact that it must not be saved but eliminated».

The underlying principle is that the body saves on those elements that are scarce and instead activates a positive metabolism on those that are present in abundance: for this reason, during a diet it is essential to always keep the metabolism active so as to eliminate excess fat. «In this sense, if we drink we are “leaner”, because in reality, by not retaining liquids, our body deflates and the tissues weigh less by discharging the water».

Be careful not to drink too much water

But if you drink too much water, what happens? Hyponatremia occurs. That is, excessive hydration that causes a lowering of sodium level which then causes the movement of excessive amounts of water into the cells which can lead to lung congestion and loss of muscle cells. This is why it is essential to keep the level around two liters per day.

