UPN holds a Political Council to agree on the expulsion of Sayas and Adanero


Act at 09:37


The UPN Political Council, a body made up of 232 representatives, meets this Saturday in Pamplona to discuss the game situation after his two deputies in Congress, Carlos García Adanero and Sergio Sayas, contravene the instructions of the party leadership and they voted against the labor reform of the central government.

This is the highest decision-making body of the UPN between congresses, of which the two deputies are part, and which will meet after the UPN Executive Commission decided this Friday to formally ask García Adanero and Sayas to hand over their minutes or, otherwise, initiate the expulsion procedure, due to the “serious indiscipline” committed.

If they were expelled, UPN would stay no representation on the Congress of Deputies. According to UPN on its website, the Political Council It is made up of 232 representatives, The representatives of the party in the different public institutions participate in it, as well as representatives of the 59 local assemblies that make up the territorial structure of the party.

“In the Council, the will of the party regarding institutional policy is expressed, in the period between congresses, before legislative or regulatory projects, and on any issues that require the adoption and formulation of the political vision of UPN”, they indicate. The meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m. and will be held in the Pabellón Navarra Arena, although the journalists have not been summoned.

His call comes after the UPN Executive confirmed the “seriousness” of the attitude of the two UPN deputies in Congress, “Not only because of his lack of discipline, but also because of the concealment of his final vote from voters, members, positions, executive and party leadership, all of this, in addition, with premeditation, has caused damage of incalculable consequences and repercussion.”

And it has been “both in the party itself and in its leaders, something that has put our credibility and reliability in check,” assured the UPN Executive Committee. This body understands that “the value of the word given has always accompanied UPN since its inception and is our hallmark”so the leadership feels obliged to “be forceful in defense of the interest and respect of our party and our voters.”

With all this, “the serious indiscipline and serious damage to the image and respectability of UPN obliges us to ask them to deliver their minutes of deputies and, if this is not the case, initiate the necessary procedures for his expulsion,” settled the party’s Executive as a position prior to this Saturday’s meeting of the Political Council.


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