‘Abomination as calling card’: why drug mafia cut off a 17-year-old Antwerp errand boy’s ear and left it behind in the parking lot | Interior

300 kilograms of stolen cocaine. There is a price in return: 15 million euros street value or a few body parts. A 17-year-old Antwerp ‘errand boy’ of the polder mafia also experienced this. After a shipment of cocaine was stolen, a gang subjected him to a lie detector test. When the young man failed, the torture began. He was eventually left seriously injured at a hospital in Eeklo. He is not the first teenager in line, says Charlotte Colman, professor of Drug Policy and Criminology (UGent).

Jeffrey Dujardin, Dylan Vermeulen

15-11-22, 6:59 pm

Latest update:
15-11-22, 22:52
