World Cancer Day: Hermie got cancer twice | 1Limburg

One in three people will be directly or indirectly affected by cancer. It is one of the five most common causes of death in the Netherlands. This also applies to Hermie van de Pasch from Ospel. She was twice affected by breast cancer.

Treatment methods are improving, but the battle remains a difficult one.

Stands only for
Hermie van de Pasch also experienced this. “It’s not the best period, but it’s part of it.” As a patient you are strong according to Hermie. “You go from appointment to appointment and you just continue, because you have to. But if you get out of there, it will be tough, because you are on your own. Then people don’t often ask how you are doing.”

‘Everything is turned upside down’
“It does a lot. Not only the person it affects, but it also affects the people around you,” says Hermie. According to her, people who have never had to deal with cancer can sometimes look at it the wrong way. “Everything is turned upside down.”

Dealing with your illness
According to Hermie, you should rest and keep talking. “I also thought it was very important that we could sit at the table as a family in the evenings.” Hermie closes it all off with a planned surgery. Then they turn her belly fat into new breasts.


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