“Don’t you feel dirty?”

Dolf Jansen is stunned about the broadcast of Today Inside in which table guest Wierd Duk took him down. “Do you feel like a journalist, or do you feel a bit dirty…?” he wonders.

© SBS 6, NPO

Telegraaf journalist Wierd Duk told Today Inside on Wednesday evening that he is arguing with Dolf Jansen, because his newspaper is working on an article about so-called climate hypocrites. “We once asked Dolf: ‘You fly up and down to Ireland all the time’, because he has a house there, and: ‘How do you reconcile that with your climate activism?’”

dolf bewildered

Dolf is stunned, partly because he has had no contact with Wierd at all. He publishes on his website the mail correspondention which he conducted with his colleague Marcel Vink.

The comedian makes it very clear in this e-mail that he hardly flies to his second home in Ireland: “Yes, I am half-Irish and have a house there. Over the past forty years I have flown there regularly (boat takes much more time and is comparatively polluting). In the past 3.5 years I have been there exactly once.”

“Do you feel dirty?”

Despite the fact that Dolf has responded extensively to the questions of the newspaper, Wierd still called out in Today Inside that the comedian would travel ‘all the time to Ireland’. After that broadcast, Dolf again sent an email to Marcel, which he also published on his site.

Dolf says in it: “How does it feel, having a conversation with me, having no more arguments and then seeing your esteemed colleague Wierd Duk repeat the same lies on TV? Do you feel like a journalist, or do you feel a bit dirty…?”

Support for Dolf

Dolf will be pleased that he is receiving support from various quarters. “Dolf is not a polluter. But four times a foreign marathon in 45 years (!!). And only once to Ireland in 3.5 years? It’s nothing. If Telegraaf is neat, they print it and give him a compliment,” says journalist Mark Koster, for example.

And investigative journalist Kim van Keken: “This is apparently how De Telegraaf deals with adversity. Not necessarily for the article, but to create a fuss in a talk show. It has little to do with journalism. And this method is not pure either.”


According to Kim, Wierd’s statements in Today Inside are dubious. “The funny thing is: Duk didn’t confront anyone at all. A colleague of his sent questions by e-mail, which were also answered by e-mail. Only those answers were not read by Duk. Regardless of the subject, it’s just a dubious journalistic method.”

She concludes: “Inappropriate for a colleague to be heard in this way. Duk’s name isn’t even in that email.”


Kim’s critique:
