Cabinet bans lead pipes for child locations and rental homes | news item

News item | 04-02-2022 | 17:15

To strengthen the approach taken to combat lead in drinking water, the cabinet has decided to introduce a ban on lead pipes specifically for child locations and rental homes. This follows earlier advice from the Health Council, which found that the harmfulness of lead in water for babies and children, as well as for adults, is greater than previously thought.

Minister De Jonge: ‘Clean drinking water is essential. That is why the cabinet has decided to ban lead pipes in locations where children and tenants depend on building owners, who do not always take action. This creates a big stick to remove these pipes at, among other places, rental homes, primary schools and childcare facilities.’

No generic ban will be imposed in existing buildings. The cabinet believes that owners and residents also have their own responsibility in this regard as to whether and when they want to have existing lead pipes removed and how they provide clean drinking water. However, owners and residents are well informed about the risks, emphatically also at the time of purchase.

In the coming period, the ban on child locations and rental housing will be further elaborated. The ban will be included in the Living Environment Buildings Decree. The exact effective date has yet to be determined.


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