Man hits cars on N366 near Ter Apel with barrier

On the N366 near Ter Apel, a man hit passing cars with a barrier this morning. The police have arrested the man RTV North.

The police would not say whether it is a man from the registration center in Ter Apel. “We understand that it is important to know this because of the social unrest, but we are not making any announcements about this,” a spokesperson told the broadcaster.

The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) and the municipality of Westerwolde were not yet available for comment from RTV Noord.

At the end of September, an asylum seeker destroyed dozens of cars in Ter Apel. He was sentenced to six weeks in prison.

The costs of repairing the damaged cars were then advanced by the municipality of Westerwolde, which could immediately forward the invoices to the Ministry of Justice and Security.
